
Customer Update 20 May 2021

Dear Customer

Ability WA would like to inform you of changes to travel and transport charges under the NDIS scheme, effective from 1 June 2021. 

These changes were introduced by the NDIS in 2020. Ability WA has delayed the implementation of on-charging the mileage associated with our professional staff travelling to deliver Ability WA services to our customers, until we fully understood how this would effect our customers.

For NDIS customers of our Opportunities, Respite and Supported Accommodation services
  • From June 1 2021, customers who use Ability WA vehicles will be charged $1.90 p/km.
  • When multiple customers are travelling together, a discounted rate will apply. 
  • In most cases, transport associated with these services is considered exempt from GST if a customer is an NDIS participant.
For NDIS customers of our Therapy Services and Support Co-Ordination Services
  • From June 1 2021, customers will be charged for mileage associated with therapist or support coordinator travel. This will be at a rate of $0.85 p/km and is in addition to the therapist or support co-ordination travel time (already charged).
  • Where a modified vehicle is required to transport a piece of equipment for a customer, the $1.90 rate will apply. 
  • When multiple customers are attending a therapy appointment at the same location, a discounted rate will apply to the mileage associated with the therapist’s travel.
For customers with NDIS funding

Travel costs refer to those costs associated with our staff delivering an Ability WA service to you outside one of our hubs or homes.

The travel costs include two components – the time for staff to travel to, or with you, for an Ability WA service (already charged), and secondly, the mileage that is associated with that travel.  

Example A:
Where a customer goes with one of our staff in an Ability WA vehicle to access the Opportunities Program, the payment for mileage for that transport service will be claimed from the customer’s Opportunities funding. 

Example B:
Where a therapist travels to a customer for a physiotherapy appointment, the payment for the kilometres travelled by the therapist will be claimed from the customer’s physiotherapy funding.

From Monday June 1, 2021 billing will commence for mileage connected to the services mentioned above. 

For NDIS customers who have their plans managed by NDIA, Ability WA will claim payment for those supports and services from the NDIA directly.

For NDIS customers who do not have their plans managed by NDIA or use non-NDIS funding types, Ability WA will invoice the customer or their nominated plan manager directly after the travel to the service is completed.

Transport costs
Transport is a separate line item in your NDIS plan and is used for when a taxi type service is required – ie pick up and drop off – without any service from Ability WA delivered. This will not be a service that Ability WA will offer. You can speak to your Key Worker, Co-ordinator or our customer engagement team if you would like to understand your options to use this funding.

For customers not funded by NDIS

Please contact our Customer Engagement Team to understand how these changes affect you.

For further information and assistance

Please see our Frequently Asked Questions for further information relating to new transport costs.

We will of course continue to provide tailored services, dependent on your individual needs, to locations where you wish to receive them.

For further information on NDIS Transport and Travel services and billing, please visit to view the current price guide .

You can also contact your Community Services Coordinator, Therapy Key Worker or if you have further questions or feedback relating to Ability WA services and charges.

Yours sincerely

Bron Fitzgerald
Chief Customer Officer