
Make a real difference.

Your gifts help build an equipment library for all WA kids.

“Young children grow at such a rapid rate, it’s really hard to plan ahead and find the equipment that will suit their needs. Scott and the team help us plan for that, while making sure Naakin is safe and comfortable. And give him the opportunity to trial equipment so we can get it just right.”

Laurie, Naakin's Mum

How the equipment library works?

Your generous support means that Western Australian children can experience independence and freedom to explore the world around them! Your gifts raise funds that purchase equipment for children like Anastasia, Cheyenne, Finn and Naakin for them to use when they need it avoiding the lengthy delays that block their development. Once a child is finished with the equipment because they have reached their milestone or have outgrown it, the equipment goes back the Ability WA library and is ready for another child who needs it. This is an essential service that benefits so many children and their families who can get on to building precious memories together.

Thank you!