
Holiday Friends

This school holidays a group of boys participated in a social skills group called ‘Holiday Friends’. The aim of the group was to develop their skills on making friends, asking questions, problem solving and being a good friend.

Speech Pathologist Summer said, ’These boys really developed their skills throughout the week and had a lot in common so their friendships developed quickly.’ ‘The last session of the week was biscuit making and the boys had to present their sales pitch, poster and cookies to their parents, who judged the boys on each category. It was fantastic to see the progress they had made this week, developing their social skills through functional games and activities. One of the boys even commented to me ‘it’s nice to have so many friends’.’

Jenny’s son Zachary whose son attended said, ‘It’s great for him to be in a group of kids similar to him, where he can be himself and make friends. He’s really enjoyed the week, and hopefully will be able to attend a course again.’

Ability Centre runs a range of social skills courses throughout the year, both in term and on the school holidays. If you’d like to know more contact 1300 106 106 or email info@abilitycentre.com.au