Development of Western Australia’s first 10-year State Disability Strategy (previously known as the State Disability Plan) is nearing completion.
Throughout the year, Department of Communities has led a range of consultation activities to gather input from people with disability, their family and carers, those working in the disability sector, government, and representatives from the community and private sectors. Thank you to everyone who has shown interest and been involved throughout the year by registering for updates, completing a survey or attending a workshop.
Consultation Update
A series of workshops ran in August and September around the priority areas identified in earlier consultations: Education, Employment, Transport, Health, Housing, Place-based (Local community), Rights and justice, and Support services. Some 250 representatives from the relevant sectors came along to share insights and ideas about how to create positive change in these areas over the next 10 years. An additional 300 people contributed their thoughts through an online survey, our community drop-in session, video-conferencing with regional areas or targeted consultations with specific groups.
What next?
The Consultation Outcomes Paper outlines some of the thoughts, concerns, hopes and priorities for the future as heard during the consultation process, and provides a strong foundation for content in the State Disability Strategy.
The Strategy will be launched in 2020 with an Action Plan for implementation from 1 July 2020.
You can read the Consultation Outcomes Paper, access the easy-read version and complete an online survey here: This survey will close on 20 January 2020.
Further information
For more information about the State Disability Strategy visit or you can get in touch with them at or 6167 8899.