
Nominations are now open for the Aspire Awards


The Aspire Awards honour individuals with a disability across Australia that have demonstrated leadership and advocacy in their community, that have increased awareness of disability, and made a positive contribution towards creating a more inclusive society. are open to Australian residents over the age of 18 who have demonstrated achievement in one of 8 categories. Below is more about the categories and criteria for the awards.

Aspire Awards Nomination categories

For any individual in business including for example; farming, health and online businesses.

For any individual solicitor barrister, QC, Magistrate, Judge or Justice.

Medicine (including Research)
For any individual doctor, nurse, allied health practitioner, or medical researcher.

For any individual in sport.

Community Development and Advocacy
For any individual in a not-for-profit, volunteer or community organisations; volunteers in emergency services and local councils.

Government and Non-Government
For any individual working in the public service, teacher, lecturer in a University, an architect, TAFE, or in Community and Adult Education.

For any individual whose main occupation is in the visual, music and performing arts.

Writing, Fiction or Journalism
For any individuals whose main occupation is writing (fiction or non-fiction) or journalism.

Human Rights
For any individual who demonstrates the most outstanding outcomes towards advancing the rights of people with a disability in Australia.

To nominate someone now visit the online Awardsportal here: